Bowlegs When standing straight with toes pointing forward, children with bowlegs will have ankles that touch and knees that do not. A biomechanical assessment with one of our Podiatrists is recommended in order to determine the best treatment plan and avoid further complications. Toe Walking Toe walking is a fairly common condition in children who…
Knee Pain
Does your child often complain from physical activity such as running, jumping, squatting and kneeling? Is there a swollen bump under your child’s knee-cap? Despite these problems can your child still walk normally without any obvious limp or pain? The onset of Knee Pain typically starts when your child is between 10 to 15 years…
Heel Pain
Does your child have difficulties in walking? Do they experience pain in their heels? Sever’s Disease is a common cause of heel pain in developing children, especially those who are physically active. It normally occurs during the growth spurt of early puberty and can commence any time between the ages of 8-13 for girls and…
Flat Feet

There are two types of Flat Feet in children – Flexible and Rigid. In Flexible Flat Feet, the arch disappears when standing but returns when not standing. Though a Flexible Flat Foot is considered to be a variation of normal because the muscles and joints still function normally, this condition can continue and worsen into…
Intoeing – ‘Pigeon Toes’
Intoeing occurs when a child’s feet turn inward instead of pointing straight ahead when they walk or run. It is commonly referred to as being “pigeon-toed”. Occasionally, severe intoeing may cause young children to stumble or trip as they catch their toes on their opposite heel. Three common conditions that cause intoeing are: Curved foot…
Dr. Verity Wright
Dr. Paul Lee

Shortly after attaining his Associate Diploma of Podiatry, Paul’s junior years at Bankstown Foot Clinic sparked his passions for the practice and ended up taking over the establishment since 1985. Not only has our senior practitioner accomplished a multitude of podiatry courses, he is also part of the Australian Podiatry Association and possesses over 30…